Take the Interview - Brand re-design
This is complete rebranding project for the "Take the Interview". The site and re-branding campaign was developed using a strong visual style using bold colors and typography. Challenge is to design the site that needs to talk to 4 different audiences – Talent Acquisition Directors, Recruiters, Job Seekers, and Hiring Managers. We needed to create a simple site that would meet the needs of each group of the audience but also easily relate idea, product and culture of TTI as company. The final design uses a navigation with separate sections for each audience. It clearly represents TTI's brand and have engaging User Experience that helps to sell the product, also flexible to grow with a time as the company evolves. Take a look at the site: http://taketheinterview.com/ Creative Director is Juan Abad (zoo-nyc.com); Visual Designer -Milan Živković (www.milanzivkovic.com)